The Evolution of Corporate Innovation Programs: From Mindsets to Artificial Intelligence

Explore the practical implications of innovation processes in different contexts

Capa - Políticas Habitacionais - Resultados e Desafios / The Evolution of Corporate Innovation Programs: From Mindsets to Artificial Intelligence
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Icone Relógio Carga horária: 16 horas

A recent McKinsey study has found that 80% of executives say innovation is a top priority. However, fewer than 10% report being satisfied with their organizations’ innovation performance.

This course will help you understand and implement strategies for enhancing the success rate of innovation initiatives. The course will cover the mindsets and culture required for innovation, different methods and tools, and the practical application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in different fields. We will focus on the practical implications of innovation processes in different contexts and circumstances.

Thomas Edison’s success is a reminder that innovation is more than just coming up with a new idea. It’s also about making that idea work in the real world.

This course is part of the MBA International Week, which is a short-term program designed to provide students with a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in various topics of the business world in classes with international and Insper professors.


Valor integral R$ 4.889,00

Valor para matrícula antecipada (10% de desconto até 25 dias antes do início do curso)R$ 4.400,10

Valor para Alumni Insper (25% de desconto)R$ 3.666,75

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Por que fazer o curso?

Primeiros Passos na Liderança (1)

Recognize and cultivate a creative mindset and an innovative culture;

Tributações de Fusões e Aquisições (1)

Identify and apply appropriate innovation methodologies to solve specific problems;

Planejamento Urbano e Regulações das Cidades (3)

Evaluate and apply different innovation theories to real-world challenges.

O que você precisa saber


The program is aimed at senior professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, consultants, and decision-makers with over 5 years of professional experience, experience in management, and varied backgrounds in different areas and sectors of the economy, who are interested in innovation strategies and artificial intelligence in a corporate context.


Completed higher education degree. Classes will be conducted in English without simultaneous translation. Although no proficiency test is required, we recommend B2 level to fully engage with the program.

O que você vai aprender

Mindsets and culture for innovation

  • Introduction to Course. Syllabus, expectations, and individual and group project;
  • Different ways to acquire knowledge;
  • Mindsets and cognitive biases;
  • Culture that nurtures innovation;
  • Navigating the challenges and opportunities associated with innovation.

Methods, tools, and approaches for innovation

  • Scientific problem-solving methods;
  • TRIZ (case studies);
  • Design Thinking and the main tools (case studies);
  • Job To Be Done (JTBD);
  • Agile to implement the solutions;
  • Working with startups.

Natural Language Processing (NLP), Visual Computing (CV) and Hyper Personalization

  • Quick overview of the Machine Learning algorithms;
  • Data collection, storage, and governance;
  • Current examples and challenges of NLP;
  • Real case innovations using CV;
  • Hyper Personalization can boost customer experience.

Generative AI for innovation

  • Autonomous innovation;
  • Chat GPT and other GenAi tools;
  • Windows 365 Copilot;
  • The human role using GenAI.

Final Project (to be determined) and Wrap-up

  • Group presentations;
  • AI Ethics;
  • The future of Work.

Course evaluation:

IAI Evaluation

Corpo Docente

A maioria dos nossos professores é de mestres e doutores oriundos de renomadas escolas nacionais e internacionais e/ou executivos com extensa experiência profissional e prática.

Perfil Anônimo

Edgard Charles Stuber

Edgard Charles Stuber holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science, a master’s degree in Strategic Design and bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. He has his own innovation consultancy and, since 2010, has helped organizations from different sectors generate value. Before that he worked for over 29 years as a senior executive in the areas of R&D (research and development), Marketing, Sales, Strategic Planning, and Innovation at multinational companies in the automotive parts industry and machinery sector respectively. Currently, he is a professor at INSPER, UNIFESP, FIA/USP, ESALQ/USP and PUCRS and take part in different companies’ corporate education projects.

Perfil Anônimo

Edgard Charles Stuber

Edgard Charles Stuber holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science, a master’s degree in Strategic Design and bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. He has his own innovation consultancy and, since 2010, has helped organizations from different sectors generate value. Before that he worked for over 29 years as a senior executive in the areas of R&D (research and development), Marketing, Sales, Strategic Planning, and Innovation at multinational companies in the automotive parts industry and machinery sector respectively. Currently, he is a professor at INSPER, UNIFESP, FIA/USP, ESALQ/USP and PUCRS and take part in different companies’ corporate education projects.


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